
By Lucy Telkamp March 8, 2021
Has COVID-19 made making rent payments an insurmountable obstacle?
By Lucy Telkamp September 16, 2020
Why is water/ sewer ratio-billed?
By Lucy September 13, 2020
The weather is finally turning cooler and we here at Wiechmann Enterprises would like to take the opportunity to remind you how to stay WARM. If you notice that you feel cold in your apartment, please take a moment to check the following: 1.) Are your storm windows firmly closed? (storm windows are in metal frames and separate the wooden-framed windows from the outside) 2.) Have you removed all window air conditioning units from open windows? 3.) Are you dressed appropriately for the season? (tank tops/ beaters and shorts will not be generally comfortable under 70 degrees) 4.) What is the temperature in your apartment? (take the reading at least four feet above the floor in the center of the room) Please let us know if you feel your apartment isn’t keeping its temperature!
By Lucy Telkamp September 11, 2020
Did you get a new job? Recently graduate? Find the perfect house? Start a new relationship or finish an old one? Or are you simply looking to go in a different direction than your current roommate(s)? If you are looking to move out and at least one of your current roommates with us is looking to remain in the unit, you will be performing a Roommate Change! It is very important to keep your local Wiechmann office updated with regard to any changes in who is living in your apartment. If your ex moves out and you don't tell us, then you renew with us for another three years, at final move-out, your ex has claim to the security deposit resolution. If you have someone move in as your roommate and we find that unauthorized person living there, you would be assessed a $200/mo unauthorized/ illegal resident fine. Please, let us help you avoid difficult financial situations by keeping us in the loop and following the below suggestions & directions. Roommate Drop: If a roommate will be moving out and a replacement roommate is not desired or found, we are able to reprocess the remaining resident's information to see if they qualify on their own for the apartment. If they do not, we would ask them to find a cosigner to apply with them. If no cosigner or replacement roommate can be found, the departing roommate cannot and will not be removed from the lease or liability for the unit. Roommate Change: If you will be finding a replacement roommate, please be aware that all current residents, departing residents, and replacement residents will be required to sign off on the change. We cannot and will not make a unilateral change to a lease; all parties must agree to the change. People have been able to find mutually-acceptable replacement roommates by checking their local university's "Roommates Wanted" pages, Facebook Marketplace, and even Craigslist. Our office is not able to help you find (a) replacement roommate(s). Roommate Change & Roommate Add-On: In all circumstances, any incoming resident or cosigner must complete and submit an application to our office for processing. No one is permitted to move in to any of our units without completing & submitting an application, being approved, signing the Roommate Change/ Add-On Agreement, & signing the lease. If someone moves in before the above is completed, there will be a $200 illegal resident fine. It is critical to understand & adhere to the following directions : • Performing a Roommate Change that adheres to the below instructions does not constitute a breach of lease, nor does it violate, nullify, or void the lease agreement. There are no financial penalties against the security deposit for performing a Roommate Change in accordance with the following directions. • All parties on the current, active lease will remain liable for rent & damages until the following is completed, the Roommate Change Agreement is completely signed, and the new Lease Agreement is completely signed. Regardless of physical location, every party involved (excluding departing cosigners) must sign. • The security deposit transfer, if any, must be handled amongst the residents. Under no circumstances will Wiechmann Enterprises refund any portion of the security deposit before a full and complete move out. The Roommate Change Agreement, to be drafted by our office upon approval of the replacement roommate(s), must be completely signed before a roommate change may take effect. • At least one original tenant must remain on the lease for a roommate change to take place. If no original roommate remains, a move out inspection must be completed; this is no longer a “roommate change,” but rather a new move-in. • All rent, fines, utility charges, and other fees must be paid in full before a change can occur. The following should be submitted to our office no later than thirty (30) days prior to the roommate change effective date UNLESS an alternative time frame is permitted in writing by our office: - A completed rental application for every new potential tenant - A completed rental application for every new potential cosigner, if applicable - Proof of income (ie paystubs, bank statements, offer letters, etc) - A $20.00 application fee per applicant PDF of application available here: PDF of federally-mandated lead-based paint disclosure for properties constructed before 1978: ***This information must be submitted as one complete package to request a roommate change*** NOTE: Our office will take no action to implement a roommate change if an incomplete package (anything less than all of the above required items) is submitted. Once we receive all required paperwork, we will process the request for roommate change. If the new applicants are accepted, a new lease agreement and roommate change letter will be drafted. We will require signatures from all parties involved: departing, remaining, and incoming residents & remaining and incoming cosigners. Once all signatures are collected and the above requirements met, the roommate change will then be legal and in effect. The above info is available as a PDF here: While our office plays no role in the departing, current, & replacement roommates' Security Deposit arrangements, we do have a recommendation for how they might be handled. The replacement roommate should pay the departing roommate what the departing roommate paid into the security deposit in exchange for his/ her/ their keys. This can be a bit difficult to understand, so: - Jill got a new job in Texas and will be moving out of her apartment with John. Jill paid $400 towards the security deposit on file with Wiechmann Enterprises. John & Jill agree that Mike will replace Jill as John's roommate. Mike "buys Jill out" by paying her $400 in exchange for her keys to the apartment. The reason for this is that Mike will have claim to the money Jill paid towards the security deposit at final move-out. - It is as though John & Jill were each told to put $400 on a table in exchange for the apartment's keys resting there. While John & Jill are living in their apartment, the $800 total is sitting on that table, waiting for them. Jill needs to move to Texas and, after signing all the paperwork, John & Mike would have claim to that $800 sitting on that table. To make things fair, Mike would pay Jill $400 now in exchange for her keys so he can have claim to Jill's $400 sitting on that table. If no one will be replacing the departing roommate, the remaining resident would "buy out" the departing roommate in that the remaining resident would pay the departing roommate what the departing roommate paid towards the security deposit. >>>>>>> Helpful Hint: You are able to view who paid what towards the deposit on your Tenant Portal. Simply click on the "Payments" tab, then on the "View full account ledger" button. There are times when one roommate has paid more towards the security deposit on file. For example, the base deposit for Mary, James, Mark, & Anne's apartment is $1520; each person paid $380 towards that. However, Anne had paid an additional $250 towards the deposit because she has a cat. Anne & Mark are moving out & will be replaced by Beth & Bob. Beth pays Anne $380 in exchange for Anne's keys and claim to Anne's $380 she'd paid towards the deposit. Bob pays Mark $380 in exchange for Mark's keys and claim to Mark's $380 he'd paid towards the deposit. But what do they do with the extra $250 Anne paid? There are two options: - Beth may pay Anne an additional $250 in exchange for claim to the $250 Anne had paid towards the deposit. This means that Beth will have claim to more of the security deposit resolution at final move-out than Mary, James, & Bob, and that she has to come up with $630 in order to move in. - Mary, James, Beth, & Bob may each pay Anne $62.50 so each of the four remaining & replacement roommates has equal claim to the security deposit resolution at final move-out. It is important to understand that water/ sewer bills are charged in arrears . That means that if someone moves out on July 31st, the water/ sewer bill for the usage during the month of July would arrive on/ after August 21st. We encourage roommates to plan ahead for this expense and either have the departing roommate(s) pay a bit extra on the account to go towards the next water/ sewer bill, or to decrease the amount they get from their replacement in exchange for their keys. Your local office would be able to give you an estimate of what the upcoming water/ sewer bill charge would be. It is also possible for the departing roommate(s) to cut (a) check(s) for or Venmo/ Zelle/ PayPal the funds to the remaining resident(s) once the water/ sewer bill is posted. While this later option would yield an exact dollar amount due to the remaining resident(s), it requires the remaining resident(s) stay in touch with the departing resident after he/ she/ they leave.
By Lucy Telkamp September 11, 2020
So you have to vacate sooner than 60 days from now and/ or move out before your lease term ends - How Does That Work?
By Lucy Telkamp September 11, 2020
Maybe you're purchasing your first home, or you've found the apartment of your dreams. Maybe it's just time to part ways with your roommate. In any case, you know that you'll be moving out of your home with us. In all circumstances, you are required to give signed , written Notice to Vacate a minimum of 60 days prior to the last date of your last month of tenancy. Basically, if you are on a month-to-month agreement with us and decide in the middle of March that you will be moving out, you have until April 2nd to submit signed, written notice that you will be vacating on May 31st. If you will be moving out sooner than May 31st, that's just fine- you will still owe full rent until May 31st unless your unit is rerented with a move-in date earlier than May 31st. If you're on a full-term lease agreement with us, your term expires July 31st (for example), and you plan to move out, you must submit signed, written notice to vacate on/ before June 2nd. If you move out sooner than July 31st, you will still owe full rent until July 31st unless your unit is rerented with a move-in date earlier than July 31st. If you are looking to vacate sooner than 60 days from now, during the No Winter Vacate period, or before your lease expires, please see our post on B reaking Your Lease & Moving Out Early . If you will be vacating but at least one of your current roommates with us will be staying, please see our post about Roommate Changes . There is no specific form you need use to submit notice to vacate; you may use any old piece of paper to write We/I, [all adult resident names], will vacate [your unit's address] on/ before [your move-out date]. Signed, [all adult resident signatures] then either take a photo or scan the signed notice and send it as an attachment to us via email ( m ). In the state of Wisconsin, an oral statement or an emailed statement without an ink signature do not suffice as notice to vacate. Any notice to vacate must be signed by all adult residents; if only one of multiple adult residents signs the notice to vacate, the notice to vacate will not be valid or binding. If you are on a month-to-month extension of your lease agreement with us, the No Winter Vacate clause does apply. You agreed to and signed off on the No Winter Vacate clause in your original lease agreement (sections 1.2 & 1.7) with us; that clause still (and specifically) applies when you are on a month-to-month extension with us. The No Winter Vacate clause is a pretty standard lease clause in the state of Wisconsin; it simply states that you may not vacate between November 1st and February 27th. If you do vacate between November 1st and February 27th, you will be held liable for rent until the end of February. If you submit notice to vacate less than 60 full days in advance (even if it's 59 days in advance), your liability for the unit and for monthly rent will extend beyond your move-out date unless the unit is rerented with a move-in date earlier than the end of your liability. For example: - If your lease term ends April 30th and you submit your notice to vacate on March 10th, the 60 day requirement continues into May and, as tenancies may not end mid-month (see lease section 1.2 & 1.7), you would be liable for rent until May 31st unless your unit is rerented with a move-in date earlier than May 31st. - If you're on a month-to-month extension with us and you submit signed, written notice on March 10th to vacate on April 30th, the 60 day requirement continues into May and, as tenancies may not end mid-month (see lease section 1.2 & 1.7), you would be liable for rent until May 31st unless your unit is rerented with a move-in date earlier than May 31st. An improper notice to vacate, one given less than a full 60 days in advance, can be particularly problematic starting September 3rd. If your lease agreement expires September 30th or October 31st OR if you are on a month-to-month extension AND you submit your signed, written notice to vacate within 60 days after September 3rd, the 60-day requirement falls after November 1st, during the No Winter Vacate period. You would remain liable for monthly rent for your unit until the end of February unless your unit is rerented with a move-in date earlier than the end of February.
By Lucy Telkamp September 10, 2020
So you've just signed a lease for your new home - Congratulations! We're delighted to offer you the place you're going to call "Home" for the next year (or so). But what about making sure the lights work when you show up? And who do you contact to put water/ sewer service in your name? And, honestly, how does internet work? Are there little gnomes or something? Fortunately, we have readied this post for exactly these sort of questions! (Well, maybe not for the gnomes bit.) Scroll down to find which city your new apartment is located in, then follow the directions to ensure utility service is set up for your move-in. Milwaukee : - Electricity, Cooking Gas, & Heat are provided by WE Energies. When you accepted your approval, we reached out to WE Energies and gave them your information so they could start setting up service in your name. You may have received an email from them (check your spam folder!) at that time. You should receive your first bill 4-6 weeks after your lease starts. If you did not receive that email or would like more information, you are welcome to contact WE Energies at 800.242.9137; you can access your account using your SSN. - Water/ Sewer bills are sent out quarterly in arrears. When we receive the bills, we post the charges to your accounts so you are able to pay the charges when you make your next rent payment. A charge that is posted for August 1st would be for a billing period of March, April, & May. - For Internet/ Cable service, you would contact a service provider of your choice to determine which service package works best for your new home with us. Most people go with AT&T or Spectrum. All of our units are internet/ cable ready; if you have trouble setting up the hardware, we encourage you to contact your internet/ cable provider. The technicians working for these providers are able to install/ troubleshoot wiring to support/ fix your internet/ cable service. You & your service provider are not permitted in any circumstance to install a satellite dish on the roof of the property. If you would like to have a satellite dish installed for satellite service, please contact our office at 414.961.2002. Brookfield : - Electricity, Cooking Gas, & Heat are provided by WE Energies. We strongly encourage you to reach out to WE Energies when you sign your lease to set up service in your name; they can be reached at 800.242.9137 OR online at If you will be moving in within 10 days of signing your lease, we recommend you call WE Energies to ensure power is on for your move-in. - Water/ Sewer service is provided by the City of Brookfield Utility. We strongly encourage you to reach out to the City of Brookfield Utility when you sign your lease to set up service in your name; they can be reached at 262.782.9650. - For Internet/ Cable service, you would contact a service provider of your choice to determine which service package works best for your new home. All of our units are internet/ cable ready; if you have trouble setting up the hardware, we encourage you to contact your internet/ cable provider. The technicians working for these providers are able to install/ troubleshoot wiring to support/ fix your internet/ cable service. You & your service provider are not permitted in any circumstance to install a satellite dish on the roof of the property. If you would like to have a satellite dish installed for satellite service, please contact your resident managers. West Bend, Jackson, & Port Washington : - Electricity, Cooking Gas, & Heat are provided by WE Energies. We strongly encourage you to reach out to WE Energies when you sign your lease to set up service in your name; they can be reached at 800.242.9137 OR online at If you will be moving in within 10 days of signing your lease, we recommend you call WE Energies to ensure power is on for your move-in. - Water/ Sewer bills are assessed by your local municipality. We strongly encourage you to reach out to the appropriate municipality when you sign your lease to set up service in your name: - West Bend Water Utility: 262.335.5040 - Jackson Utilities: 262.677.9001 - Port Washington Water Department: 262.284.2172 - For Internet/ Cable service, you would contact a service provider of your choice to determine which service package works best for your new home. All of our units are internet/ cable ready; if you have trouble setting up the hardware, we encourage you to contact your internet/ cable provider. The technicians working for these providers are able to install/ troubleshoot wiring to support/ fix your internet/ cable service. You & your service provider are not permitted in any circumstance to install a satellite dish on the roof of the property. If you would like to have a satellite dish installed for satellite service, please contact your resident manager. Plymouth : - Electricity & Water/ Sewer are provided by Plymouth Utilities. We strongly encourage you to reach out to Plymouth Utilities when you sign your lease to set up service in your name; they can be reached at 920.893.1471. - For Internet/ Cable service, you would contact a service provider of your choice to determine which service package works best for your new home. All of our units are internet/ cable ready; if you have trouble setting up the hardware, we encourage you to contact your internet/ cable provider. The technicians working for these providers are able to install/ troubleshoot wiring to support/ fix your internet/ cable service. You & your service provider are not permitted in any circumstance to install a satellite dish on the roof of the property. If you would like to have a satellite dish installed for satellite service, please contact your resident manager. Sheboygan : - Electricity & Cooking Gas are provided by Alliant Energy. We strongly encourage you to reach out to Alliant Energy when you sign your lease to set up service in your name; they can be reached at 800.255.4268 OR online at If you will be moving in within 10 days of signing your lease, we recommend you call Alliant Energy to ensure power is on for your move-in. - Water/ Sewer bills are sent out quarterly in arrears. When we receive the bills, we post the charges to your accounts so you are able to pay the charges when you make your next rent payment. A charge that is posted for October 1st would be for a billing period of May, June, & July. - For Internet/ Cable service, you would contact a service provider of your choice to determine which service package works best for your new home. All of our units are internet/ cable ready; if you have trouble setting up the hardware, we encourage you to contact your internet/ cable provider. The technicians working for these providers are able to install/ troubleshoot wiring to support/ fix your internet/ cable service. You & your service provider are not permitted in any circumstance to install a satellite dish on the roof of the property. If you would like to have a satellite dish installed for satellite service, please contact your resident manager. New Holstein : - Electricity & Cooking Gas are provided by New Holstein Utilities. We strongly encourage you to reach out to New Holstein Utilities when you sign your lease to set up service in your name; they can be reached at 920.898.5776. - Water/ Sewer bills are sent out monthly in arrears. When we receive the bills, we post the charges to your accounts so you are able to pay the charges when you make your next rent payment. A charge that is posted for September 1st would be for a billing period of July. - For Internet/ Cable service, you would contact a service provider of your choice to determine which service package works best for your new home. All of our units are internet/ cable ready; if you have trouble setting up the hardware, we encourage you to contact your internet/ cable provider. The technicians working for these providers are able to install/ troubleshoot wiring to support/ fix your internet/ cable service. You & your service provider are not permitted in any circumstance to install a satellite dish on the roof of the property. If you would like to have a satellite dish installed for satellite service, please contact your resident manager. Appleton & Little Chute : - Electricity, Cooking Gas, & Heat are provided by WE Energies. We strongly encourage you to reach out to WE Energies when you sign your lease to set up service in your name; they can be reached at 800.242.9137 OR online at If you will be moving in within 10 days of signing your lease, we recommend you call WE Energies to ensure power is on for your move-in. - Water/ Sewer bills are sent out quarterly in arrears. When we receive the bills, we post the charges to your accounts so you are able to pay the charges when you make your next rent payment. A charge that is posted for September 1st or October 1st would be for a billing period of May, June, & July. - For Internet/ Cable service, you would contact a service provider of your choice to determine which service package works best for your new home. All of our units are internet/ cable ready; if you have trouble setting up the hardware, we encourage you to contact your internet/ cable provider. The technicians working for these providers are able to install/ troubleshoot wiring to support/ fix your internet/ cable service. You & your service provider are not permitted in any circumstance to install a satellite dish on the roof of the property. If you would like to have a satellite dish installed for satellite service, please contact your resident managers. Menasha : - Electricity & Cooking Gas are provided by Menasha Utilities. We strongly encourage you to reach out to Menasha Utilities when you sign your lease to set up service in your name; they can be reached at 920.967.3400. - Water/ Sewer service is provided by Harrison Utilities. We strongly encourage you to reach out to Harrison Utilities when you sign your lease to set up service in your name; they can be reached at 920.731.0002. - For Internet/ Cable service, you would contact a service provider of your choice to determine which service package works best for your new home. All of our units are internet/ cable ready; if you have trouble setting up the hardware, we encourage you to contact your internet/ cable provider. The technicians working for these providers are able to install/ troubleshoot wiring to support/ fix your internet/ cable service. You & your service provider are not permitted in any circumstance to install a satellite dish on the roof of the property. If you would like to have a satellite dish installed for satellite service, please contact your resident manager. Green Bay, Bellevue, & De Pere : - Electricity, Cooking Gas, & Heat are provided by Wisconsin Public Service Corporation. We strongly encourage you to reach out to WPS when you sign your lease to set up service in your name; they can be reached at 800.450.7260. - Water/ Sewer bills are are sent out monthly (Pheasant Run & Windsor Heights) or quarterly (River Park Terrace) in arrears. When we receive the bills, we post the charges to your accounts so you are able to pay the charges when you make your next rent payment. A Pheasant Run charge that is posted for October 1st would cover a billing period of July 15th through August 13th. A Windsor Heights charge that is posted for September 30th would cover a billing period of July 24th through August 22nd. A River Park Terrace charge that is posted for August 1st would cover a billing period of March, April, & May. - For Internet/ Cable service, you would contact a service provider of your choice to determine which service package works best for your new home. All of our units are internet/ cable ready; if you have trouble setting up the hardware, we encourage you to contact your internet/ cable provider. The technicians working for these providers are able to install/ troubleshoot wiring to support/ fix your internet/ cable service. You & your service provider are not permitted in any circumstance to install a satellite dish on the roof of the property. If you would like to have a satellite dish installed for satellite service, please contact your resident managers. Please note: If service is not set up in your name prior to your move-in (either because you did not contact the utility company or did not respond to their email requesting more info from you) and we end up having to bill you back for your utility usage, there is a service fee of $50 per assessment.
By Lucy Telkamp September 9, 2020
In Wisconsin, residential tenants are responsible for basic maintenance tasks such as replacing burnt-out bulbs or relighting pilot lights. While replacing a light bulb isn't necessarily an intimidating task, other fixes can be. We here at Wiechmann Enterprises would like to help empower you by offering guidance on how you can take care of minor maintenance issues around your home. Relighting Pilot Lights Does your apartment, particularly the kitchen, smell of gas ? Before calling WE Energies/ Alliant Energies, check your gas stove's pilot lights. Your stove may have as few as two pilot lights or as many as six. If one of your pilot lights blew out, it may smell of gas. You are able to simply relight the pilot light. Smoke Detector/ CO Detector Batteries Is your smoke or CO detector beeping and there doesn't seem to be a reason for it? It is likely that the detector is at the end of its life or that its battery is dying. Does it sound like this? If so, please replace the smoke detector's battery. Your resident manager and/ or maintenance are able to either lend you a ladder to reach the detector or to provide you with a battery. Is it a beep or a chirp? How frequently? If a CO detector's batteries have died or it is at the end of its life, please reach out to maintenance or your resident manager for assistance. Tub Drains Is your tub draining slowly ? It is very likely that the drain is simply blocked by stray strands of hair. Most tub drains plugs can be gently unscrewed and you are able to use either your fingers, needle-nose pliers, or a plastic drain snake (check your local hardware or convenience store) to remove the hair. We do not encourage use of Draino or comparable products. After clearing your drain, you should see immediate improvement in how quickly your tub drains. We do strongly encourage you to purchase and use a hair snare to catch any debris before it gets caught in your drain and clogs it again. Doorbell vs Door Buzzer A delivery arrives at your door and the messenger pushes the button to signal your apartment. Do you hear the doorbell ring when the messenger pushes that button? If so, your doorbell is working fine. If not, this is indeed a maintenance issue and you should notify your local office so we can correct the matter. Some units have "buzzers" that unlock the security door to grant the messenger access to the building. If you notice the buzzer ( not the doorbell) to buzz people in is not working, you actually may be better off for it. Most insurance providers disapprove of "buzzer" systems as a random person who is not an approved resident may gain access to the property which can pose a hazard to our residents. Apartment Outlets Are your plugs falling out of the electrical outlets in your apartment? You are able to simply gently manually spread the prongs on your plug so it stays in the outlet securely! Mold & Mildew [paraphrased information from Milwaukee's Health Department] Molds are everywhere and most grow naturally outdoors. Mold spores are present in all indoor environments and cannot be eliminated from them. It is not practical to expect any indoor space to be completely free of mold. Mold growth indoors is typically an indicator of excessive or unmitigated moisture. If you have an active leak or a recurring mold/ mildew issue, please contact maintenance promptly so the matter can be permanently corrected. Mold & mildew growth may also occur if you (or your roommates) take long steamy showers without using ventilation, it is particularly humid outside for an extended period, if you regularly boil large quantities of water, or if you are using a humidifier.  Regardless of the type or quantity of mold, it should be removed and can be removed relatively easily. You should either use bleach mixed with hot water or a surface cleaning product like Clorox Clean-Up to wipe away and kill the mold. More information can be found here: Flipping Circuit Breakers & Changing Fuses Did part or all of your apartment lose power ? There are a couple of steps you should take prior to calling your resident manager or maintenance. First , are there any common area lights now off too? Are street lights out as well? Did your neighbors also lose power at the same time as you? If not, you very likely simply overloaded a circuit or a fuse. <<< Helpful Hint >>> If you've lost power, you needn't immediately worry about any food in your fridge or freezer. If it is sufficiently cold outside (at/ below 37° for fridge, at/ below 0° for freezer), you are indeed able to store your food outside. If it is not sufficiently cold outside, your fridge & freezer will act as coolers and, if you're able to avoid opening them, will keep adequately cool temperatures for as long as 16hrs. Your second step is to unplug anything which may have caused the circuit/ fuse to be overloaded. The usual culprits are blow dryers, microwaves, toasters, air conditioners, portable space heaters, straighteners/ curling irons, and/ or having too many items plugged into one outlet. You generally should not need to unplug your fridge or television, however, if your more expensive electronics (tv, computer, gaming counsels, etc) do not have surge protectors, you might consider unplugging them to avoid a fry-out. Next , you should locate your circuit breaker/ fuse box. Usually, these are behind grey metal panels in a front hall closet or in/ near the kitchen. Open up the panel door to view your circuit breakers/ fuses. Circuit breakers look like sideways light switches. One of these switches will be pointed in a different direction than all the rest; that means that you overloaded that circuit. Sometimes, a switch won't flip all the way over to the other side; in this situation, you can identify the overloaded circuit by pressing each switch in the direction it's facing. If a switch loudly clicks into place, that was the overloaded one; flip that overloaded one to the "off" position (the opposite direction from all the other switches). Ensure that the overloaded circuit is all the way off (it will have made a loud click snapping into place in the off position), then turn it all the way on (again, it will snap into the on position with a loud click). Your power should be restored. Fuse boxes have several round flat disks facing you, all about the size of a standard light bulb base. One of those disks' faces will be darkened and substantially different from the other disks' faces. The fuse with the darkened disk is the fuse that overloaded. Simply unscrew that fuse just as you would a light bulb. The side of the fuse will be labeled with its type (they're usually color coded blue, green, red, etc). Ideally, there will be spare fuses near the fuse box; simply replace the overloaded fuse with a new fuse of the same type. Alternatively, you are able to pick up spare fuses for a few bucks at your local hardware store or convenience store. Once you screw in the new fuse (again, just like you would screw in a new light bulb), your power should be restored. Sometimes, there are multiple circuit breakers/ fuses that were overloaded; you may have to check/ replace more than one circuit breaker/ fuse. If you do not have a circuit breaker/ fuse box in your apartment OR trying the above solutions doesn't resolve the problem, you may need to access the master circuit breaker/ fuse box in the basement/ storage/ boiler room; ask your resident manager for help with this.
By Lucy Telkamp March 17, 2020
During these extraordinary times and extraordinary circumstances, we are working ahead in an effort to maintain the health and safety of our tenants and employees and to do our part to slow the spread of illness in our community. To this end, there are several key items each of you should know: • We will be having reduced office hours , and the office doors will be locked at all times. • All residents are to pay rent online . If and only if you do not have internet capabilities may you submit rent as a check or money order. Cash will not be accepted at any of our offices. If you need help accessing your online Tenant Portal for free eCheck payment of rent, please contact the office. Important Note: Expect delays in processing any of your physical payments. • Only emergency maintenance will be done until this threat passes. We will still accept requests for general maintenance to be addressed in the future , but unless the concern is an emergency, it will be differed to a future date. When it is necessary for maintenance to enter your apartment, we ask that you keep your distance from them. They will not touch anything but the problem area and will wipe down, as necessary, any area involved. • At applicable properties, pools and community rooms will be temporarily closed to help avoid further spread of the virus to our residents. Our Course of Action and Yours • We’d like to remind everyone that proper hand-washing is a vital part of preventing the spread of disease. o The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends washing hands for at least 20 seconds with soap on a routine basis to control the spread of germs and illness. o You can do the most good by washing your hands and avoiding touching your face. • The virus is most commonly spread by people coming in direct contact with someone affected, or through droplets disbursed by sneezing, coughing or standing too close. • It is possible to spread the virus by touching a surface with the virus on it, and then touching your eyes, nose or mouth, though this is not the most common way it is spread. • For more information, please visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website We encourage each of you to routinely disinfect the surfaces of your living spaces, paying special attention to doorknobs, light switches, handles, faucets, and other commonly touched surfaces. For disinfection, most common EPA-registered household disinfectants should be effective. If you do not have disinfectant products, a diluted household bleach solution (4 teaspoons for a quart of water), or an alcohol solution with at least 70% alcohol will be effective (source CDC ). Please use caution when using chemicals as they can cause damage to surfaces, skin, and be harmful to breathe. We have implemented increased surface cleaning and hand-washing procedures for all of our staff. Employees who exhibit symptoms of COVID-19 are required to stay away from work and seek medical attention to be tested as soon as possible. We’re confident this situation shall pass, and until it does, we want each of you to be safe and will do our part to make sure others are as well.
By Lucy Wilhelms January 22, 2020
Recently, we’ve been receiving a LOT of phone calls about Rent Certificates for 2019 tax purposes. Wiechmann Enterprises is not provided with blank RCs to complete upon request. Should you require a RC for taxes, you may pick one up from your local public library, your local H&R Block, your tax advisor, or by printing it from here: . You complete the following two portions of the form: Renter (Claimant) boxes Time you actually lived at this address in 2019 line Then, depending on where you live(d) with us, mail the form WITH a self-addressed stamped return envelope to: East Side Apartments / Brookfield Hills / Stillmeadow Village: 1010 N. Cass St., Milwaukee, WI 53202 Windsor Heights: 1398 Kingston Terr. #3, Green Bay, WI 54302 Pheasant Run: 2970 Mossy Oak Cir. Office, Green Bay, WI 54311 River Park Terrace: 1901 Ridgeway Dr. Office, De Pere, WI 54115 Fox River Bluff: 1229 E. Gunn St. #4, Appleton, WI 54915 Willow Creek: 1401 S. Nicolet Rd. Office, Appleton, WI 54914 West Bend / Port Washington / Jackson / Plymouth: Stern Properties, PO Box 652, West Bend, WI 53095 We have been informed by numerous tax professionals that these forms cannot be faxed. Please note: unless we receive a statement signed by all lease holders to the contrary, total rent paid for an apartment will be divided equally by the number of adult resident lease holders. Should you attempt to complete the form in its entirety and do so incorrectly, we will refuse to sign the provided form and request a fresh one, free of any errors. As always, let us know if you have any questions!
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Contact Us

Corporate/ Milwaukee Office
1010 N. Cass St.
Milwaukee, WI 53202
Phone: 414.961.2002

Windsor Heights
1398 Kingston Terr. #3
Green Bay, WI 54302
Phone: 920.465.0965.

Fox River Bluff
1229 E. Gunn St. #4
Appleton, WI 54915
Phone: 920.733.7724

West Bend / Jackson / Port Washington / Plymouth
Derek Stern
P.O. Box 652
West Bend, WI. 53095
Phone: 262.338.8884

Willow Creek
1401 S. Nicolet Rd.
Appleton, WI 54914
Phone: 920.734.7717

Pheasant Run
2970 Mossy Oak Cir.
Green Bay, WI 54311
Phone: 920.469.7922

River Park Terrace
1901 Ridgeway Dr.
De Pere, WI 51445
Phone: 920.337.9388

Brookfield Hills Town Homes
1332 Dover Pl.
Brookfield, WI 53005
Phone: 262.424.4252
Maintenance: 262.785.9086

Stillmeadow Village
1053 Stillmeadow Ln.
Menasha, WI 54952
Phone: 920.731.3126
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